Hello beautiful humans,
This blog is all about spreading some knowledge & love around valentines day & every other day. It is about inspiring you to spark some romance in your life.
What is valentines day to me?
I actually like to call it love day, not sure why but I always have and it's just stuck. Love day to me should be everyday but life gets busy, work, kids, animals, holidays, family, friendships the list goes on. We simply forget to do those little things that keep romance alive. I personally think its a nice reminder to light up that flame. It dosent even have to cost anything. A hand written note, sunset walk or candle at dinner. It's natural to want to feel loved, appreciated and needed. Different levels of romance fill that for us and depending on your language of love there is so many ways to express it and I think with this date approaching its a beautiful nudge to do those romantic things for your partner or even for yourself to fill up your "love cup". Valentines day to me is that soft reminder that we all love to be appreciated, nurtured, wanted and deserving of romance, but I feel like we need to have this day once a month to keep the passion and juicy vibes consistent instead of just one week of the year.
What is the history behind valentines day?
There is a few stories behind the meaning of valentines day, the main two are below from Wikipedia & google but I encourage you to do some more research as its fascinating.
Story 1. Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine's Day.
Story 2. Saint valentine of Rome's imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians persecuted under the roman empire. According to legend, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge, and he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell before his execution.
Why is there such a big hype over valentines day?
I feel like the real meaning of valentines day has been shadowed by big chains and over commercializing the day, without being conscious of the "why" we have this holiday in the first place which is to appreciate and romance our loves. That doesn't necessarily mean to spend loads of money and buy big expensive gifts ( that might not be your love language, I get into this more below) . There is an unbelievable amount of pressure on who has the biggest flowers, reddest roses & fanciest date. And It's become quite competitive, I feel like its loosing its authenticity of the acts of love.
Why have I got "love day packs" if I think valentines day is over commercialized?
Something I learnt a few years ago was the five love languages and while I am still a small business I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the love language "gifts". This love language is about receiving a physical item so flowers, chocolate, products etc but it's not about being "materialistic" its the thought behind the gift. That your partner knows your favourite fragrance, flower, food, its about how well they know you and the thought that goes into the gift.
I do feel there should be a balance between being aware and taking advantage in business with holidays like valentines day. The over commercializing of the day has made it loose it's meaning a little and this is why I am writing this blog, to show you that as a small business we can do more rather than just "promotions, discounts & marketing" I wanted to share on this forum my view and teachings of the love languages, free romance ideas & educate the history of the day along with acknowledging people that feel love in the way of gifts.
What are love languages?
A book written by Dr. Chapman in 1995 showed the five love languages: physical touch, gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service & quality time. Our love language is the way we feel loved and appreciated. It depends on each personality type and can be different to our partners. This book helps for you to decode the different ways you can give love and how you want to receive it.
How can I find out my love language?
Its simple, free and only takes like 10 minutes. It is an online quiz which you can find from this link below.
What's my love language & what romance do I like? (This is something important to communicate with your partner, what exactly makes you feel loved and your version of romance so they can give what you want to receive and vice versa.)
My top two love languages are words of affirmation & physical touch. So romance to me would look like sitting together talking about our dreams and goals, holding hands, kissing & cuddling.
If you're single or have single friends?
A cute idea for yourself or friends, family that are single this love day is to hand pick a flower, write a note, send a funny meme or appreciative message, even to yourself. This time of year can be difficult for some, so something as small as a little gesture can spread so much love & joy. Try it!
How can I keep the romance alive after valentines day?
My biggest tip for everyone is to MAKE A DATE NIGHT. Honestly it is the best thing, to have one date night a month. Pick the same night every month in the same week and be consistent with it. Make your romance a priority and routine. Again, it doesn't have to cost anything but if you feel like splurging save $25 a week leading up to that date night and book something special like the movies, dinner or concert. Sit down with your partner each month and organize the next date night in advance then PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR. Talk about fun things you both love or something you'd like to try, check out deal sites like scoopon and groupon. Continue the romance beyond February 14th.

I hope this blog has given you a little incite into what my version of love day is about, along with some cute free romantic ideas & education on the love languages. I also wish this inspires you to find out what you and your partners love languages are or if you're single to find out for yourself as it's important to recognize how you receive and give love in all relationships around you. I would love you to share with me what your language is so send me a message and tell me if it resonates with you.
Christie xo